Osteoarthritis of the Knee and Its Healing with Pulsed Magnetic Therapy
Osteoarthritis of the knee and its healing with pulsed magnetic therapy in a test group of 40 patients. The therapy was tested under strict conditions of a randomized double-blind study once each patient had undergone corrective osteotomy of the tibial bone.
Before initiating the therapy, a total of 40 patients had undergone a tibial osteotomy, as mentioned, which is a surgical operation where a bone is either shortened, extended or aligned.
For the purpose of the study, these patients were divided into two groups – active and control. Four independent orthopedic surgeons unaware of the experimental conditions were then asked to evaluate the radiographs taken 60 days after the operation and to determine the degree of healing in each patient. Cases were classified into 4 categories where the fourth one represented the most successful healing.
In the control group, there were 73.6% patients included in categories 1 and 2, while in the active group which underwent pulsed magnetic therapy, there were 72.2% of patients included in the 3rd and 4th category (most successful healing).
The results of the homogeneous group of patients therefore confirm that pulsed magnetic therapy has very positive healing effect on tibial osteotomy patients with arthrosis of the knee.
References: Mammi, G. I. et al. (1993) The electrical stimulation of tibial osteotomies: Double-blind study. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. (288), 246–253.
The Electrical stimulation of Tibial Osteotomies
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